Steve Heronemus

Writing Shells

Shells has been some 5 years in the making, beginning with a “You should write a book” comment from my wife, Suzanne. I felt that was a good idea if for no other reason than to give my children a lasting resource to remember what kind of man their father was after my ALS ran its final course. 
I threw some stuff together after realizing a linear, this-is-my-journey, tale was impossible for my ADD brain. I pronounced it done in 2011 and gave it to Suzanne to edit. She immediately pronounced it garbage, and she was right.
Progress during the next two years was retrograde as I cut material but added nothing new. I believed Shells had to be deeply personal and that level of vulnerability scared me. In 2014 the still, small voice in my head kept repeating “Finish the book”, and sections started pouring out. I hope you enjoy the result.